Nutrition companies

Nutrition companies are all run by real life users. There are currently 5 types of nutritional supplement within the game - each of which has a different benefit for your fighter. When you buy a tub of nutritional products it will contain 14 days worth of supplement.
Manager view
If you want to start up a nutrition company, see the following page: nutrition companies (manager).
Supplement quality
Much like in the real world, the benefits of taking any supplement are hard to measure. Clever marketing and slick product design may convince you that the product you are taking is of high quality but in reality it might be a tub of ground up chalk and candy hearts.
In MMA Tycoon, the situation is no different. The nutrition producer can choose to set the quality at whatever level he wishes but that level is never disclosed to the public. The only way you can find out is by talking with other users and assessing what benefits you are getting from training with each make of supplement. Is the manufacturer out to make a quick buck or are they a reputable source for all your nutritional needs? Discuss the matter in the forum to pass on tips to your fellow users!
Muscle bulk
For this type of supplement to have any effects, you need to do an appropriate type of training whilst taking it. Muscle bulk will help you build strength value more quickly than training without such a supplement.
Reduce energy loss (aka Reduced recovery time)
Whenever you do training you will take an energy hit afterwards. This supplement will reduce the energy loss after each training session.
Increase stamina
Quite simply this will build your conditioning value more quickly. You need to train to have this type of supplement affect your natural stamina building activities.
Weight gain
Taking this supplement will increase your weight, irrespective of training. The speed at which you can gain weight will depend on a number of attributes, plus the gain in weight will have minor negative effects on things like your fighter's speed and agility.
Weight loss
Taking this supplement will decrease your weight, irrespective of training. The speed at which you can lose weight will depend on a number of attributes, plus the gain in weight will have minor negative effects on things like your fighter's energy levels.