Main Page

Welcome to the MMA Tycoon help site.
MMA Tycoon ( is the biggest and best massive multiplayer MMA Game on the net. MMA Tycoon is free to play and everything within the game is run by other real life users from around the world, making it an extremely realistic and exciting game to take part in.
The main aspect of the game is creating your fighters, training them in gyms from around the world, signing with the best fight organizations and working your way to the top of the Pound for Pound rankings. This aspect of the game is free to play and will always remain so.
However, if you really want to be an MMA Tycoon, you can also sign up for VIP membership in order to create your own company (including gyms, fight organizations, clothing companies, nutrition companies, bookmakers and fight alliances).
Help site
This help site provides assitance for both new and experienced users.
New users
New users should read the new users guide before delving too deeply into the game. It provides an introduction to the game and also a provides some useful hints and tips as to how you can gain little advantages within MMA Tycoon. You may also want to check out the FAQ page if you have any questions!
Page by page help guide
Within the site, you will see a symbol in the corner of all pages. Clicking this will take you to the appropriate help page within the site. Please view the page by page guide to find out more.
Other help pages
There are also a number of other pages relating to smaller points, such as clarifying what hype does. You can find these pages by clicking the appropriate link or using the search bar to your left.
Search function!
As those monumentally annoying people on forums say "use the search function, noob!" in the nicest possible way, of course :)
Not all pages on the tycoon help site are directly linked to, so make the best use of the search box to your left. It is pretty accurate at finding what you're after, most of the time. If you still can't find what you're looking for try the List of all pages, which can be accessed via the "special pages" link in the toolbox menu.