My fighters

Lists all your fighters within the game. From this page you can also access the fighter free agents list and the create new fighter form.
Fighter info & settings
If your fighter is injured, the injury symbol will appear with a note of how many days they are injured for.
Next fight
If your fighter has signed a contract with a fight organization and has subsequently accepted a fight offer, then their next opponent will be listed here.
Weight cut
This is the minimum weight your fighter can cut to. For QFC fights you cannot miss weight but for fights in proper orgs you must make sure your fighter is on weight by keeping their energy value at a high level. If your fighter's weight is displayed in green, you're OK. If it's red you need to look at the contracted weight, see what he can currently cut to and then make sure your fighter takes a period of rest to enable them to cut more weight. You can do this by going to the gyms page and setting your fighter to no training for a few training sessions.
Fights left
If they have signed a contact with a fight organization then this number will display the number of fights left on that contract.
Need fight
If your fighter is signed to a contract with a fight organization and is in need of a fight, tick this box. Your fighter will show up on the fight org's homepage as a fighter in need of a fight, making it easier for the company owner to keep track of your fighter.
If you have not yet signed a contract with a fight organization, ticking this box will do no good - you need to click the next box - "need contract".
Need contract
If your fighter has not yet signed a contract with a fight organization, tick this box. When fight org owners to search for fighters in need of a contact (using the search page), your fighter will show up.
Need sponsors
Similar to the above box, if you want your fighter to be sponsored then tick this box. He will appear in the relevant searches.
If you want to release your fighter then click this link. He will be released to the fighter free agents list and any manager can put their name forward to become his manager.
When you first sign up, you can release up to 3 fighters as soon as you like. Once you have released 3 fighters, regular users may release one subsequent fighter every 30 days and VIPs may release one fighter every 15 days. This is to prevent excessive turnover of fighters and people giving up on perfectly good fighters just because they lose one fight.